Thanks for choosing KTK airlines!
If you're into great music, no matter where or when it's been recorded then you're at the right place! Grab a drink,
take a seat, fasten your seatbelt. The pilot and the crew wish you a nice trip:
Far out, far east or somewhere else...



Ladies and gentlemens...
We still try to fix engine troubles. (If luck is on our side it should be OK by the end of the week and things should get back to normal very soon).
Today we get some great live music straight from our black box recorder! Traditionnal Idhebalen from Kabylie (north of Algéria) recorded a few weeks ago at a party by your captain.

Traditionnal Idhebalen orchestra
Traditionally, This "trance" music is played at parties and weddings. This live recording consist of a 3 pieces orchestra, (drums: tbal and darbuka and flute: zorna). It also include a participating audience. It's recorded right in the middle of it so you can feel the great atmosphere!
Live Idhebalen orchestra
(full set)
We really hope to be back very soon with some great music!
Thanks for flying with KTK

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